الجمعة، 4 فبراير 2011

The E word

by Dr. Abirlal Sanyal

    This time a year back my 'long lost friend' from RKM Vidyapith, Purulia introduced me to a non-profit organization (NPO) called �Padakshep�. That was my re-introduction to something very close to my heart - doing good for the 'economically less-bestowed brilliant young students'. Poverty is the biggest enemy of education. I mean poverty of money. The then learning oncologist in me found this 'cancer' more 'invasive and destructing' than the real disease. I started chatting with 'my yet to be seen eager-minded-brilliant-born topper-junior- wannabe- doctor', a resident of Bankura district of West Bengal, whose father is mentally unstable and mother is the only earning member in the family.
        The person I am talking to is Tapas Sen.
     Gradually I started talking to Tapas more often, but that too not more frequent than a fortnight. Let me not bypass the fact that I too am a student or a learner or an aspirant, whatever you wish to call me, so I know where the E word pinches, when you are in the middle of a journey, with a known destination, but a fluid plan. Since you are born human and wish to fulfill your Ophiuchian dreams, there is need to join the band-wagon, contrary to whatever great thinkers have told. Hell, there was no OMR at the times of Einsteins, Newtons etcetera. So be practical. Stop thinking from the heart. Start using your brains. Be as robotic as humanly possible. Study, even if your neighbour is dying a painful death- you wish to become a doctor-no? Here again comes the E-word.
    In this era of multiple choice questions (MCQ) and computer-readable OMRs, nature has kept very little room for emotions. If you blacken one circle wrongly - you might be summarily out of any sort of evaluation. Brilliance lies in blackening the right circle? One word answer is NO and a big one.
   Padakshep, the concept is just opposite to what I have written above. In a single sentence the organization helps the �brilliant needy� to pursue their dreams and secure fulfillment of the same. How can this be done without the E word? This organization is an amalgamation of thoughts and efforts from people all around the globe-someone from Utah, someone from Calcutta or someone from Chicago - all like-minded coming under the same roof with the same goal and with the same E-word. As the simplified version of the Game theory suggests �the best results are achieved when every individual thinks best of him/herself and the group�- thus the flight-path is ready. Now it is the take-off time. Miles to go�
    What does talking do? Transference and counter-transference..not only that..Can it inspire somebody to achieve higher standards? - yes, it can. Can it reduce pressure? - yes it can. Can it be fruitful for both? - yes, it can. Then why silence is considered golden? - I know, but cannot tell it here. Silence at right places is golden. Talking is animal instinct-the most basic. All animals talk.Humans talk more. The fairer sex the most, nothing sexist..
    So, what did I perform for Padakshep? - I talked�
   By this time - I presume, you readers are intelligent enough to comprehend what�s on Earth is the E word?
    Yes, E stands for Education, Economics, Emotion and Empathy.
    I am thankful to my teachers for teaching me the thin cribriform difference between a �mistake� and an �error�, between �sympathy� and �empathy�. I welcome all readers to empathise with the �real-brilliant and the real needy�, not sympathise.
    I am doing this for myself, my selfish me, as I believe in an after-life. Those who do not, still help.
Education is not a fancy product. Education is not something your father buys you from the nearest shopping mall. Education is our birth-right. Be it institutional or otherwise. But our poor human world, with commodification of everything under the Sun, education is gradually getting into clutches of the refriegerator-corporate. You can buy any qualification if your forefathers have saved enough in your family coffers. And he, the father, coughs it out on time. Not to forget the fact that life is ruthless. Those who buy education get caught in their own web, because anything bought comes with an expiry date, anything acquired is eternal. Some would still take on to crutches, even if their legs are intact and some would walk with heads held high. Did I say Tapas? Then I say it again.
    May Team-Padakshep grow from yards to miles. I would remain a bolt, as always, never a thorn, in the whole machinery.

Pause�for now, till my next write-up.

Author's website: http://www.docndoc.com/docabir 

الثلاثاء، 1 فبراير 2011

Purpose of education

 by Sudipto Banerjee

     Why do we study? To earn a better life for ourselves. So what does a better life mean? Is it a big house, nice car, good clothes, flashy gadgets, expensive meals or is it something more than that? At this point, I must say I am not against having any of the above. But is that all we want from our education? Perhaps not.
     I use my education to decide what is good for me and my family. I can always stretch a little further and think about what is good for us as a society. This does not mean I have to be a benevolent member of the society and act out of sheer altruism. But what�s the harm in thinking a little bit about the common good and build informed opinion about social equity? If we look around we will find plenty of unfortunate people who are living on the edge and deserve a better life. Little do we realize that their sweaty palms bring comfort to our lives. We justify ourselves thinking we have paid for our comfort. But we buy our comfort rather cheaply. So, what do we do? Renounce our comforts? No, because then these people will die of hunger. We can pay a little more. Not necessarily in monetary terms. We can help them educate. 
     The essence of education lies in giving or perhaps in giving back. I didn�t learn only from my teachers or my peers. I learnt from all sorts of people around me. They contributed to my learning in different ways. Now, its my turn to help someone else learn. That�s how the cycle continues. That�s how I give back and make my education successful.