الاثنين، 26 أغسطس 2013

Another step toward faster search in Chrome

When you�re searching for information, speed matters. We�re always thinking about how to shave milliseconds from every search you do, throughout our products. Last year, we started testing a feature in Chrome to make searching from a new tab faster and simpler. If you use Chrome�s Developer or Beta installs, you may have already seen this in action. Many thanks for your feedback, which has helped us continue to hone the look and feel, and improve average time from query to answer � meaning you can find what you�re looking for even more quickly than before.


These early results are encouraging but we�re still turning dials under the hood. While we work we�ll be expanding to a small set of people using the stable channel of Chrome on Windows, Mac and Chromebooks, who have Google set as default search engine. As this experimental feature includes open APIs, any search engine may integrate with the new �new tab� page in Chrome. Keep the feedback coming.

Posted by Anantica Singh, Product Manager

Um Presente para o Mundo

O Bom Samaritano


Presidente Henry B. Eyring - Confiar em Deus e, Ent�o, Fazer

Ter Bom �nimo e Ser Fiel nas Adversidades

O Evangelho de Jesus Cristo nos d� a for�a e a perspectiva eterna para enfrentar com bom �nimo o que vir� pela frente.

Como podemos encontrar paz neste mundo? Como podemos perseverar at� o fim? Como podemos superar as dificuldades e prova��es que estamos enfrentando?
O Salvador Jesus Cristo disse: �Tenho-vos dito isto, para que em mim tenhais paz; no mundo tereis afli��es, mas tende bom �nimo, eu venci o mundo�.
Como parte de nossa prova��o nesta vida mortal, passamos por afli��es, dores e desapontamentos. Somente em Jesus Cristo podemos encontrar a paz. Ele pode nos ajudar a ter bom �nimo e a vencer todos os desafios desta vida.
O que significa ter bom �nimo? Significa ter esperan�a, n�o desanimar, n�o perder a f�, e viver a vida com alegria: �Os homens existem para que tenham alegria�. Significa encarar a vida com confian�a.
O evangelho de Jesus Cristo nos d� a for�a e a perspectiva eterna para enfrentar com bom �nimo o que vir� pela frente. Todavia, n�o devemos subestimar as dificuldades profetizadas para nossos dias.
Quais s�o algumas dessas dificuldades? Como podemos enfrent�-las?
Algumas dificuldades s�o: falta de esperan�a, falta de amor e falta de paz.
O profeta Mor�ni ensinou: �E se n�o tendes esperan�a, deveis estar em desespero; e o desespero vem por causa da iniq�idade�.  Para muitos, os pr�ximos anos poder�o ser anos de desespero. Quanto maior a iniq�idade, maior ser� o desespero.
O Salvador disse: �E, por se multiplicar a iniq�idade, o amor de muitos esfriar�.  Na medida em que a iniq�idade aumentar, o verdadeiro amor desaparece. Como resultado, o medo, a inseguran�a e o desespero crescem!
Ao Profeta Joseph Smith o Senhor disse: �(�) desejo que todos os homens saibam que o dia rapidamente se aproxima; (�) em que a paz ser� retirada da Terra e o diabo ter� poder sobre seu pr�prio dom�nio. E tamb�m o Senhor ter� poder sobre seus santos e reinar� em seu meio (�)�. Vivemos numa �poca em que a paz foi tirada da Terra.
Por outro lado, vivemos numa �poca gloriosa na qual o Senhor restaurou Seu sacerd�cio. O verdadeiro evangelho foi restaurado. A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos �ltimos Dias � o reino de Deus na Terra! N�s estamos ajudando a preparar a Terra para quando o Senhor Jesus Cristo vier e reinar pessoalmente sobre ela.
Por que precisamos passar por prova��es nesta vida?
O Senhor n�o faz segredo de que provar� a nossa f� e a nossa obedi�ncia. �E assim os provaremos para ver se far�o todas as coisas que o Senhor seu Deus lhes ordenar�.
Aprendemos no Livro de Eclesiastes: �Tudo sucede igualmente a todos; o mesmo sucede ao justo e ao �mpio; ao bom e ao puro, como ao impuro; assim ao que sacrifica como ao que n�o sacrifica; assim ao bom como ao pecador (�) a todos sucede o mesmo�.  As tempestades podem ocorrer na vida do homem prudente, que edificou a sua vida sobre a rocha do evangelho, como tamb�m na vida do imprudente, que edificou a vida sobre as coisas deste mundo. 
Qual deveria ser a nossa rea��o diante das prova��es?
O Senhor disse: �Se algu�m quer vir ap�s mim, negue-se a si mesmo, e tome cada dia a sua cruz, e siga-me�.  Precisamos tomar a nossa cruz a cada dia e seguir em frente � e n�o nos deixarmos ficar � margem da nossa jornada eterna.
Como podemos saber se estamos sendo provados ou se estamos sendo castigados pelo Senhor?
As prova��es s�o oportunidades para o nosso crescimento. O Senhor disse: �Meu povo deve ser provado em todas as coisas a fim de preparar-se para receber a gl�ria que tenho para ele, sim, a gl�ria de Si�o; e quem n�o suporta corre��o n�o � digno do meu reino�. 
Quando estivermos sendo provados, devemos ponderar e perguntar: �O que o Senhor quer que eu fa�a nesta situa��o?�
Ao profeta Joseph Smith o Senhor disse estas palavras consoladoras: �Sabe, meu filho, que todas essas coisas te servir�o de experi�ncia e ser�o para o teu bem. O Filho do Homem desceu abaixo de todas elas. �s tu maior que ele?� Precisamos ver cada prova��o como uma oportunidade para crescer. Algum dia iremos compreender o porqu� delas.
O Senhor disse: �E a quem amo tamb�m castigo, para que seus pecados sejam perdoados, pois com o castigo preparo um meio para livr�-los (�)�. O Senhor ama cada um de n�s. Ele deseja que n�s sejamos felizes. Essa felicidade vem pela nossa f� em Jesus Cristo, pelo nosso arrependimento sincero e verdadeiro, pela nossa obedi�ncia aos Seus mandamentos e pela nossa perseveran�a at� o fim.
Algumas vezes podemos pensar que o Senhor n�o est� ouvindo e respondendo a nossas ora��es. Nesses momentos precisamos parar e ponderar sobre o que temos feito ao longo de nossa vida. Se necess�rio, coloquemos nossa vida em harmonia com os princ�pios do evangelho de Jesus Cristo. Atrav�s do Profeta Joseph Smith o Senhor revelou:
�Eu, o Senhor, permiti que lhes sobreviessem afli��es que os afligiram em conseq��ncia de suas transgress�es. (�) [Eles] foram vagarosos em atender � voz do Senhor seu Deus; portanto o Senhor seu Deus � vagaroso em atender a suas ora��es, em responder-lhes no dia de suas tribula��es.
No dia de sua paz, trataram com leviandade meus conselhos; mas, no dia de suas tribula��es, buscaram-me por necessidade�. 
Quando temos o desejo sincero de colocar nossa vida em harmonia com a vontade do Senhor, Ele estar� sempre pronto para ajudar a aliviar nossos fardos.
O que destr�i o nosso bom �nimo e a nossa esperan�a?
Jesus Cristo explicou aos Seus Doze Ap�stolos quais s�o algumas das coisas que podem destruir a nossa esperan�a e nos fazer desistir: deixar-se cair em tenta��o; n�o resistir �s ang�stias e tribula��es; n�o suportar as persegui��es; temer os �cuidados� do mundo; buscar as riquezas materiais em primeiro lugar; desistir em lugar de perseverar at� o fim; e deixar-se enganar por falsos profetas.
O que nos d� �nimo e esperan�a?
O convite do Salvador a cada um de n�s �: �vinde a mim, todos os que estais cansados e oprimidos, e eu vos aliviarei�.  Jesus Cristo tem o poder de aliviar nossas dores e nossos sofrimentos.
O profeta M�rmon ensinou:
�Portanto, se um homem tem f�, ele tem que ter esperan�a; porque sem f� n�o pode haver qualquer esperan�a (�) e se um homem � humilde e brando de cora��o e confessa, pelo poder do Esp�rito Santo, que Jesus � o Cristo, ele precisa ter caridade (�)�. 
Se, diariamente, exercitarmos a f�, a mansid�o, a caridade, a brandura de cora��o, confessando que Jesus � o Cristo e aceitando Sua Expia��o, seremos aben�oados com a for�a e a esperan�a para enfrentar e superar as prova��es e dores desta vida.
Quais s�o algumas das promessas do Senhor a cada um de n�s?
�Tende bom �nimo, filhinhos; pois estou no vosso meio, e n�o vos desamparei�. 
�Tende bom �nimo, porque eu vos guiarei. Vosso � o reino e s�o vossas as suas b�n��os e s�o vossas as riquezas da eternidade.�
Citando as palavras do profeta �ter: �Portanto todos os que cr�em em Deus podem, com seguran�a, esperar por um mundo melhor, sim, at� mesmo um lugar � m�o direita de Deus, esperan�a essa que vem pela f� e � uma �ncora para a alma dos homens (�)�. 
Deus � nosso Pai. N�s somos Seus filhos. Ele nos ama. Ele deseja nossa felicidade aqui, nesta vida, e por toda a eternidade. Somos hoje guiados por um verdadeiro profeta de Deus. Jesus � o Cristo. Atrav�s Dele n�s podemos encontrar a verdadeira paz neste mundo, e ter vida em abund�ncia. Em nome de Jesus Cristo. Am�m.

الخميس، 22 أغسطس 2013

Chrome 30 Beta: A richer web on Android

Today we launched Chrome 30 on the Beta channel. This release introduces several new developer features for Chrome Apps and Chrome for Android Beta.

WebGL in Chrome for Android

WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics and 2D graphics. It is now enabled by default in Chrome for Android Beta running on devices with high-end mobile GPUs (this includes Nexus 4 and Nexus 7). Try it out with this racer WebGL demo and others:

DeviceMotion Events in Chrome for Android

This release introduces the device motion part of the Device Orientation API in Chrome for Android Beta. DeviceMotion events provide you information about device acceleration and rotation rates. Check out isthisanearthquake.com to see them in action.

Media Source Extension in Chrome for Android

The MediaSource API allows JavaScript to generate media streams for playback, which enables use cases such as adaptive streaming and time-shifting live streams. It is now enabled by default in Chrome for Android running on Jellybean or higher. This API is especially useful for streaming to mobile devices, where connectivity is often constrained and unpredictable. Play with it on this demo page.

Chrome Apps APIs

Chrome Apps support a few new APIs in this release, including webview.request, media gallery write support, and downloads. Chrome App developers can also now use Chrome Web Store managed in-app payments.

Other platform features in this release

Unless otherwise noted, the changes described below apply to desktop versions of Chrome and Chrome for Android:
  • Support for the WebRTC Device Enumeration API allows users to change their microphones and/or camera on the fly without having to restart the WebRTC call.
  • DevTools now supports CSS source maps (also known as preprocessors).
  • Chrome will now match the behavior of IE and not honor the Refresh header or tags when the URL to be refreshed to has a javascript: scheme. This is done to close down one more XSS vector against poorly constructed sites.
  • Two new experimental features landed behind a flag on Chrome for Android: Web Speech API (recognition) and the Vibration API.
Visit chromestatus.com for a complete overview of Chrome�s developer features, and circle +Google Chrome Developers for more frequent updates.

Posted by Sami Ky�stil�, Software Engineer and Mobile Pixel Wrangler

الاثنين، 12 أغسطس 2013

Security rewards at Google: Two MEEELLION Dollars Later

[Cross-posted from the Google Online Security Blog]

One of Google�s core security principles is to engage the community, to better protect our users and build relationships with security researchers. We had this principle in mind as we launched our Chromium and Google Web Vulnerability Reward Programs. We didn�t know what to expect, but in the three years since launch, we�ve rewarded (and fixed!) more than 2,000 security bug reports and also received recognition for setting leading standards for response time.

The collective creativity of the wider security community has surpassed all expectations, and their expertise has helped make Chrome even safer for hundreds of millions of users around the world. Today we�re delighted to announce we�ve now paid out in excess of $2,000,000 (USD) across Google�s security reward initiatives. Broken down, this total includes more than $1,000,000 (USD) for the Chromium VRP / Pwnium rewards, and in excess of $1,000,000 (USD) for the Google Web VRP rewards.

Today, the Chromium program is raising reward levels significantly. In a nutshell, bugs previously rewarded at the $1,000 level will now be considered for reward at up to $5,000. In many cases, this will be a 5x increase in reward level! We�ll issue higher rewards for bugs we believe present a more significant threat to user safety, and when the researcher provides an accurate analysis of exploitability and severity. We will continue to pay previously announced bonuses on top, such as those for providing a patch or finding an issue in a critical piece of open source software.

Interested Chromium researchers should familiarize themselves with our documentation on how to report a security bug well and how we determine higher reward eligibility.

These Chromium reward level increases follow on from similar increases under the Google Web program. With all these new levels, we�re excited to march towards the new milestones and a more secure web.

Posted by Chris Evans and and Adam Mein, Master of Coin

الأربعاء، 7 أغسطس 2013

President Morsisi

Torn between Morsi and El-Sisi? Well, then how about: President Morsisi? And there's even a T-Shirt proposal ready for eager supporters.

On The Terms Of Any Potential Political Settlement In Egypt


From a purely technical point of view, everyone knows what the terms of any political settlement in Egypt would revolve around. They would include: confidence building measures, safety from at least any politically-driven prosecution, return of Islamist shut down media or allowing the creation of alternatives, toning down the rhetoric in the private media, Morsi's release, guarantees of involvement of Islamists in political life and the roadmap (potentially with minor discussions over the roadmap). Question is: does either side want this, and whether or not they could sell this to their crowds. Until then, each side will try to find a breaking point or improve his bargaining power. And we all know what will happen in the meanwhile.

الخميس، 1 أغسطس 2013

On The Breaking Up Of The Rabaa Sit-In

(Note: this post is an edited form of a Facebook status I had written earlier, hence the somewhat less polished form) 

Short version: Einstein said that repeating the same thing, over and over again, while expecting different results is the definition of insanity. And to answer the utterly exasperating question of "are you suddenly an expert on the subject" by way of a somewhat silly analogy: you don't have to be a medical expert to know that you won't cure someone's broken arm by pushing him off a roof or breaking his leg.

Historic Pattern: Using force against sit-ins since 2011 in the experiences and eras of Mubarak, SCAF and Morsi always resulted in the SAME result: more people joined, they became more violent and confrontational and less willing to compromise, a stain glued itself on the legitimacy of whoever was in power, and (in many cases) people sympathised with those who were the subject of the usage of force (especially as most Egyptians are still politically independent, non-partisan and non-ideological), and sizeable political problems ensued internationally as well. Then, most importantly, there was almost always a human "tragedy" that left an indelible scar on our consciousness. Lives were lost, people were injured, and judicial due process never yielded any satisfying results. Add to that: the police's record on how it tactically handled most protests or sit ins since 2011 leaves us feeling more tense than comfortable.

Conversely, as one example: on the other hand, every time a sit-in was left alone, and the political process moved briskly along at the same time (whether the political transition was moving fast on its own or there was some form of a dialogue going on), such a sit in eventually ended or lost much of its steam or momentum until it became a non-factor.

This situation is one of the most complicated since 2011, if not the most. It is quite volatile, volcanic and sensitive. The way it is handled will strongly affect the stability, image and future of Egypt, locally and internationally. The situation has to be contained, the political process has to move along, and surely any violence or transgressions perpetrated by the demonstrating side should be dealt with decisively, according to the law and international standards. Meanwhile, the pro-Morsi side needs to reevaluate where it truly stands right now, what it actually can and cannot gain, and - if the protesters remain in their sit-in for a while longer - how they can make the lives of people around them in the area immediately safer and easier. And yes, what I am writing here sounds too idealistic given the ground reality, but someone has to write something that is at least a bit idealistic.

(Bonus Blog Note: the Muslim Brotherhood should note that it is a form of child abuse to make children wear burial shrouds and go on demonstrations as such. Better yet - to all sides in Egypt - keep kids entirely out of politics. Let them be, you know, kids.)