السبت، 16 فبراير 2013

Question Time at Padakshep with Dr. Somak Raychaudhury

Padakshep's fourth episode of the online event "Question Time at Padakshep" featured Dr. Somak Raychaudhury. Dr. Raychaudhury is the head of the physics department of Presidency University, Kolkata. 

He was seen LIVE on 2nd March, 2013 at 9:00 pm in Kolkata (10:30 am, 2nd March in New York3:30 pm, 2nd March in London) right here. 

Topics: astronomy, education in India.

Question Time at Padakshep with Dr. Somak Raychaudhury

الثلاثاء، 12 فبراير 2013

Must See Video: "Egypt Tomorrow" - From February 12 - 2011

Video was taken - and uploaded - on February 12th of 2011, the day after Mubarak stepped down, and set to the Egyptian National Anthem. It reflects what people in the square and in Egypt genuinely felt was going to come next to Egypt. While I still believe their visions and hopes were not actually unjustified, they surely did not expect the mess that would ensure over the two following years. Still, it is quite an inspirational video. I personally needed to remind myself of how I felt that day.

السبت، 2 فبراير 2013

Memorable Screenshot: Mohamad "Cristy" Hussein Updates Facebook On June 25th 2012


This screenshot is being shared all over the Egypt blogosphere. It's of a Facebook status update dated June 25th 2012 by Mohamad "Cristy" Hussein, a young man who was shot while protesting by the presidential palace two nights ago. Cristy was also an admin of the facebook page "Lying Brothers," an anti-MB page. The status update, which celebrates Morsi's victory over former Mubarak Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq in the recent presidential elections, reads:

"To hell, you Shafiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiq. And a thousand congratulaaaaaations Morsi, and I pray to God you succeed [as a president] and rise up to the responsibility. And you should know that you have a fierce opposition that won't* be silent about any mistake, and will oppose you with all fierceness but only for what is righteous."

* I assumed a minor typo here and wrote it in the corrected manner.

Then, someone who appears to be pro-Shafiq, and seemingly one of those anonymous hired-hand accounts used political groups to prop support or attack certain political figures or issues, responded: "Isa [short for inshallah] you'll regret the regret of your lifetime."

Cristy then responded with an extended laugh.

The news website Al-Mogaz features the video widely shared as being that of Cristy being shot. I could not embed it here because I mainly could not look at it anymore. Here is the link: http://almogaz.com/news/politics/2013/02/02/699885

Rest in peace, Cristy.