الجمعة، 31 يناير 2014

Trop Mimi

Special chien ??

Lentil, le tout petit bouledogue fran�ais n� avec un bec-de-li�vre.

Les 23 chiots les plus mignons de 2013

Les 23 chiots les plus mignons de 2013

Les 23 chiots les plus mignons de 2013

Lalou ??

الثلاثاء، 28 يناير 2014

Run Chrome Apps on mobile using Apache Cordova

In September we introduced a new breed of Chrome Apps that work offline by default and act like native applications on the host operating system. These Chrome Apps are currently available on all desktop platforms. Today we're expanding their reach to mobile platforms with an early developer preview of a toolchain based on Apache Cordova, an open-source mobile development framework for building native mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

The toolchain wraps your Chrome App with a native application shell and enables you to distribute your app via Google Play and the Apple App Store. We provide a simple developer workflow for packaging a Chrome App natively for mobile platforms. You can run your Chrome App on a device or emulator using the command-line or an IDE. Alternatively, you can use the Chrome Apps Developer Tool to run your app on an Android device without the need to install an IDE or the mobile platform�s SDK.

We�ve made many of the core Chrome APIs available to Chrome Apps running natively on mobile, including:
  • identity - sign-in users using OAuth2 without prompting for passwords
  • payments - sell virtual goods within your mobile app
  • pushMessaging - push messages to your app from your server
  • sockets - send and receive data over the network using TCP and UDP
  • notifications (currently Android only) - send rich notifications from your mobile app
  • storage - store and retrieve key-value data locally
  • syncFileSystem - store and retrieve files backed by Google Drive
  • alarms - run tasks periodically
In addition to the above Chrome APIs, you have access to a wide range of APIs supported in the Cordova platform.

For web developers, this toolchain provides a simple workflow for extending the reach of Chrome Apps to users on mobile platforms. The toolchain is in developer preview mode, and we expect to continually improve it based on your feedback. To get started, take a look at our dev workflow and sample apps. As always, we welcome your feedback on Stack Overflow, our G+ Developers page, or our developer forum.

Andrew Grieve, Software Engineer and WebView Wrangler

الاثنين، 27 يناير 2014

Le Point ....

Bonjouur � tous!

Le point sur le blog def animo:

Actuellement nous avons beaucoup d'articles "Trop Mimi"  en pr�paration, un gros article sur le gorille sortira bient�t (pr�vu pour le 2 f�vrier )
Une petite vid�o est �galement en tournage et une astuce sur "apprendre � son chien #1 " sortira en d�but mars.
N'oubliez pas de nous poser des questions �:

nous y r�pondrons avec plaisir! :D

Si vous avez des id�es o� des propositions n'h�sitez pas � nous en faire part !

Une petite aide � �t� fournie par Ness sur les nouveaux gadget du blog. Nous avons 4 membres ( merci � vous !!)
et �sp�rons que vous veniez nombreux!!

voil� � bient�t <3
lalou et ness

Trop Mimi

                            Cette fois ci un trop mimi sp�cial lapin ! 

Ce lapin qui est capable de faire un magnifique salto avant TOUT EN TENANT UNE BALLE.

                                         Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet  

                Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet

Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet
Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet
Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet                        Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet
Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet
Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet

Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet

Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet


                       Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet
                       Les 33 gifs de lapins qui dominent Internet

Voil�� j'espere que ca vous � plu :D

Lalou :*

trop mimi


Voici un petit ours brun m�content !! :)?

Cet ourson m�content

Des chats........

Portrait de famille parfait !! ?
Et ces portraits de famille parfaits

Aaaaaww ?
Et Memebon.?

Ce chat et sa peluche.

Et �a

Lalou ?

Les aigles.

                                               Bonjour tout le monde : D

Aujourd'hui je vais vous parlez des Aigles !
Les Aigles sont de grands oiseaux de proie au bec puissant et crochu , dot�s de serres ac�r�es . Il en existe environ 60 esp�ces , r�parties sur toute la plan�te.
Le plus souvent , pour chasser , l'aigle parcourt son vaste territoire . D�s qu'il aper�oit une proie , le rapace fond sur elle en un piqu� adroit , puis la tue avec ses serres . Certains aigles chassent cependant autrement . Les harpies f�roces poursuivent leurs proies dans  la for�ts , et les pygargues attrapent des poissons dans l'eau.

Les nids des aigles , souvent construits dans un arbre ou sur une falaise , servent pendant plusieurs ann�es. Les oisillons restent environ 10 semaines dans le nid . Ils se disputent souvent , et il est fr�quent que les plus faibles de la couv�e ne survivent pas.

Gif anim� aigle

                                                                                                                       - Ness

الأحد، 26 يناير 2014

Les manchots

                                                   Bonjour tout le monde !

Les manchots ne volent pas , mais ils sont tr�s bien adapt�s � la vie marine . Excellents nageurs et plongeurs , ils se propulsent dans l'eau � l'aide de leurs puissantes nageoires . A terre , ils se tiennent  debout et leur d�marche est maladroite.

La plupart vivent dans l'Antarctique ou sur les �les proches du cercle polaire , o� les conditions climatiques sont tr�s rudes . Leurs corps est recouvert d'une couche dense de plumes imperm�ables qui leur tient chaud et prot�ge de l'humidit� . L'�paisse couche de graisse qu'ils ont sous la peau contribue � maintenir la chaleur .
Malheureusement ces animaux sont chass�s pour leur fourrure .


Il existe environ 17 esp�ces de manchots . Le plus petit , le manchot pygm�e , ne d�passe pas 40 cm . Le plus grand , le manchot empereur , mesure environ 1.15 m debout . Tous les manchots se ressemblent , ils ont le dos gris ou noir et le ventre blanc.

Dans l'eau , le manchot royal plonge facilement � plus de 45 m pour attraper ses proies . Le plus profond des plongeons recens�s atteint 250 m . Le manchot nage et se dirige dans l'eau � l'aide de ses ailes et de sa queue.

Que mangent-ils ? Les encornets et les poissons constituent l'alimentation principale des grands manchots ( manchot royal et manchot empereur par exemple ). Les plus petits , comme le manchot pygm�e et le manchot � jugulaire , se nourrissent de proies minuscules , notamment de krill.

Les d�placements . Plut�t mal � l'aise sur terre , les manchots se tortillent pour se d�placer sur le sol gel� . Souvent , ils se laissent glisser � plat ventre sur la glace comme sur un toboggan . Dans l'eau , ils peuvent atteindre 45 km/h en vitesse de pointe.


الخميس، 23 يناير 2014

Show off your security skills: announcing Pwnium 4 targeting Chrome OS

Security is a core tenet of Chromium, which is why we hold regular competitions to learn from security researchers. Contests like Pwnium help us make Chromium even more secure. This year Pwnium 4 will once again set sights on Chrome OS, and will be hosted in March at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver.

With a total of $2.71828 million USD in the pot (mathematical constant e for the geeks at heart), we�ll issue Pwnium rewards for eligible Chrome OS exploits at the following levels:
  • $110,000 USD: browser or system-level compromise in guest mode or as a logged-in user, delivered via a web page.
  • $150,000 USD: compromise with device persistence: guest to guest with interim reboot, delivered via a web page.
New this year, we will also consider significant bonuses for demonstrating a particularly impressive or surprising exploit. Potential examples include defeating kASLR, exploiting memory corruption in the 64-bit browser process or exploiting the kernel directly from a renderer process.

Past Pwnium competitions have focused on Intel-based Chrome OS devices, but this year researchers can choose between an ARM-based Chromebook, the HP Chromebook 11 (WiFi), or the Acer C720 Chromebook (2GB WiFi) that is based on the Intel Haswell microarchitecture. The attack must be demonstrated against one of these devices running the then-current stable version of Chrome OS.

Any software included with the default installation may be used as part of the attack. For those without access to a physical device, the Chromium OS developer�s guide offers assistance on getting up and running inside a virtual machine, but note that a virtual environment might differ from the physical devices where the attack must be demonstrated.

To make sure everyone has enough time to demonstrate their exploit, we will require participants to register in advance for a timeslot. To register, e-mail pwnium4@chromium.org. Registration will close at 5:00 p.m. PST Monday, March 10th, 2014. Only exploits demonstrated on time in this specifically-arranged window will be eligible for a reward.

The official rules contain more details, but standard Pwnium rules apply: the deliverable is the full exploit, with explanations for all individual bugs used (which must be unknown); and exploits should be served from a password-authenticated and HTTPS-supported Google App Engine URL.

See you in Vancouver!

Signed by Jorge Luc�ngeli Obes, Security Engineer and Master of Ceremonies

الخميس، 16 يناير 2014

Chrome 33 Beta: Custom Elements, Web Speech, and more

Today�s Chrome Beta channel release kicks off the new year with a slew of new features for developers ranging from Custom Elements, to web speech synthesis and improved WebFont downloading. Unless otherwise noted, changes apply to desktop versions of Chrome and Chrome for Android.

Custom Elements

With Custom Elements, web developers can define new types of HTML elements to use in their web applications. The spec is one of several new API primitives landing under the Web Components umbrella. It brings abstraction and modularity to the web platform by allowing developers to:
  1. Define new HTML/DOM elements
  2. Create elements that extend from other elements
  3. Logically bundle together custom functionality into a single tag
  4. Extend the API of existing DOM elements
Custom Elements allows developers to architect their apps in much cleaner ways. For example, here's what the markup for a demo chat app written with Custom Elements looks like:

Web Speech API - Synthesis

The Web Speech API enables web developers to add speech recognition and synthesis to their web pages. We added the recognition part last year, and today�s release is the first to include speech synthesis. For example, your dictations could be synthesized to play back in a different language.

NPAPI deprecation update

As described in the original NPAPI deprecation announcement, Chrome has begun blocking webpage-instantiated NPAPI plug-ins by default on the Stable channel. Mac and Windows NPAPI support will be completely phased out by the end of the year, and on Linux Chromium will no longer support NPAPI plug-ins starting as early as April.

Other web platform changes in this release
  • The requestAutocomplete API for easy web payments is now available on Mac.
  • The Page Visibility API has been unprefixed.
  • WebFont downloading has been optimized so that fonts (at the median) are available before Blink layout is done, meaning that the net latency impact of using a webfont is usually zero.
  • The Blink CSS Animations and Transitions implementations are now powered by the new Web Animations model. This change should not affect developers or sites; let us know if it does.
  • Chrome now supports the latest version of the Web Notification API. We'll be deprecating support for the legacy API down the road, so please update your websites if they're using it.
  • Google Chrome Frame has been retired.  Please read our June 2013 Chromium blog post for additional details and background.
Visit chromestatus.com for a complete overview of Chrome�s developer features.

Chrome Dev Summit recap

In late November we also held the Chrome Dev Summit, a two-day, single-track conference with over 300 web developers and Chrome engineers. The talks�which were recorded and livestreamed�covered a range of topics including Polymer, new media APIs in Chrome for Android, Mobile DevTools, and a ton of performance tips. Check out the full list of recorded talks, including the keynote and Q&A panel.

Circle +Google Chrome Developers for more updates!

Posted by <software-engineer title="Element Customizer">Dominic Cooney</software-engineer>

الاثنين، 6 يناير 2014

Udacity Mobile Web Development Course Now Live

As a web developer, you know that your users are moving to mobile platforms in droves. Beginning today, you can learn how to apply your web development skills to build great mobile web apps with Mobile Web Development (CS256)�a new Udacity MOOC training course.

In each of the course�s 12 lessons, you can watch short videos teaching you the latest mobile web development techniques, and follow a series of quizzes and interactive code challenges that will test your knowledge. Specifically, you will learn how to build web experiences that adapt to different screen sizes, how to program touch interaction, and how to configure web experiences to work great even when network conditions are suboptimal. You�ll also learn to investigate performance in mobile applications using Chrome DevTools, with a strong emphasis on mobile networking.

On Tuesday, January 7th at 9:30 a.m. PST, we are hosting an introductory Google Developers Live session with special guest and Udacity CEO, Sebastian Thrun. In this session we will tell you all about the content of the course and answer your questions live. You can add this event to your calendar and vote for your questions.

We�ll also be running a study group for the first several weeks of the course. The study group will be livestreamed (and recorded) from the Google Developer Live studio and course instructors Sean, Chris, and Peter will be there to answer any questions you might have and help you out with the course material.

We hope you�ll try out the new course and start building awesome mobile web experiences!

Posted by Chris Wilson, Developer Advocate and Multi-device Prestidigitator, and Peter Lubbers, Program Manager and MOOC Manufacturer.

الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014


Elder Neil L. Andersen
�Ser� que compreendemos a [ansiedade] de nosso Pai Celestial em rela��o a todo esfor�o que fazemos para retornar a Ele? Mesmo quando ainda estamos bem distantes, Ele anseia por nosso retorno. Sentimos alegria quando o amor de nosso Salvador nos assegura de que podemos nos tornar limpos, de que voltaremos a nosso lar. Essa alegria vem somente por meio do arrependimento.
Quando deixamos a conduta errada para tr�s e exercemos f� em Jesus Cristo, recebemos a remiss�o de nossos pecados. Sentimo nosso Salvador fazer por n�s aquilo que n�o conseguimos fazer por n�s mesmos"

�lder Neil L. Andersen, do Qu�rum dos Doze Ap�stolos, �The Joy of Becoming Clean�, Ensign, abril de 1995, p. 51